Indian history during the first half of the 20th century is inconceivable without acknowledging the dynamic role of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. They stood apart from the rest of their contemporaries as the two leading figures of Indian Nationalism. They wanted to see India free from the foreign rule. They were complementary and supplementary to each other in many respects. Gandhi could not do without the support of the young, dynamic, highly educated new leader, while Nehru was in need of a wise teacher who thought in the traditional Indian way, having unique ability to organize the masses. They contributed immensely not only for the promotion of the cause of Indian Nationalism but were also deeply involved in evolving comprehensive models of social reconstruction and economic development to be taken up in the country, immediately after the attainment of independence. On the economic front, both Gandhi and Nehru stood for the establishment of a system which would free society from the curse of poverty and exploitation and provide equal opportunities to all its members. Both shared the same dream of classless and casteless society. However the two thinkers also had differences on a numbers of issues. The present paper seeks to explore the convergences and divergences between the economic philosophies of these two personalities.

Merina Islam, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Cachar College, Silchar ,Assam

1 Comment

  1. samarjeet tripathi said,

    14/03/2014 at 6:06 pm

    its ok,but more comparative viewline give.

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